![Case CX210B CX210BLR EXCAVATOR Parts Manual](https://catexcavatorservicerepairmanual.com/wp-content/uploads/edd/2024/02/CASECX210BCX230BCX240B-SM.jpg)
case cx210b
case cx210b excavator parts manual
1. Whenever the terms left and right are used, it should be understood to mean from a position facing in direction of travel.
2. Throughout this manual, you may find common hardware not illustrated, but listed in the description column. The Case Service Repair part immediately preceding a
hardware listing is the part using these particular items for mounting purposes.
This hardware is not included with the service part or assembly when ordered as a replacement.
3. The illustrations show typical assemblies plus individual parts but in all cases may not show the exact shape or detail of parts required. However, the purpose
of the illustrations is to identify parts performing like functions. Whenever possible, illustrations are located at the beginning of each section or immediately adjacent
to the applicable text. CRAWLER EXCAVATOR Parts Manual
4. CNH America LLC is continually striving to improve its products. We must, therefore, reserve the right to make improvements or changes when it becomes
practical and possible to do so, without incurring any obligation to make changes or additions to the equipment sold previously.
How to Use Your Parts Catalog
1. Figure Number
2. Sequence code within the Figure Number
3. Page number within the Sequence Code
4. Date of Printing (month/year)
5. Figure Description
6. General information regarding the figure
7. Parts supplied in repair kits per symbol reference
8. Figure call-out of the part number (REF)
9. Technical Specifications relating to the part indicated
10. Figure call-out includes bracketed items, the included items may also be listed in the additional description
11. Orientation – Arrow indicates in front of the machine
12. Footnote – Additional information relating to the part number. In this example, 08–20 equals another figure
that this part is shown on.
13. Part Number
NSS = Non-serviced parts
Bracketed numbers = not available as service parts in this market
14. Not Available as service part in this market
15. YR/SN
Before 01/85 = Part valid for production January 1985 and before
From 01/85 = Part valid for production from January 1985 and after
BTW 01/85 & 02/02 = Part valid for machines produced between January 1985 and February 2002.
Serial Number (P.I.N.)
BSN JJC0268800 = Part valid for serial number JJC0268800 and below
ASN JJC0268800 = Part valid for serial number JJC0268800 and above
BTW JJC0178000 & JJC0179000 = Part valid for serial numbers between JJC0178000 & JJC0179000
16. Total Quantity of the Part referred to in the page. The quantity can be replaced by the following indications:
AR = quantity as required
X = as required
17. Part Description
18. Additional description of the part to help confirm identification
19. Figure Notes
20. Model Number(s)
Case CX210B CX210BLR EXCAVATOR Parts Manual