Komatsu PC18MR-2 Hydraulic Excavator Service Repair Manual

Komatsu PC18MR-2 Hydraulic Excavator Service Repair Manual

Komatsu PC18MR-2 Hydraulic Excavator Service Repair Manual


PC18MR-2 Komatsu Service

The new PC18MR-2 compact mini-excavator is the product of the competence and technology that Komatsu has acquired over 80 years. It was developed with constant attention to the needs of customers from all over the world. An end result is a user-friendly machine that offers top-class performance. komatsu manual pdf


This Manual incorporates two sections as appeared beneath:

1. Komatsu PC18MR-2 Hydraulic Excavator Service Repair Manual

2. Komatsu PC18MR-2 Hydraulic Excavator Operation and Maintenance Manual

This manual contains profound data about looking after, get together, dismantling, and adjusting your Komatsu PC18MR-2 Hydraulic Excavator. it likewise assists you with acknowledging top execution through viable, affordable and safe machine activity and upkeep. komatsu parts


Complete versatility
• Variable undercarriage
• Standard 1- or 2-way auxiliary line for
• Numerous configurations available
• Ideal for a wide range of applications


Outstanding performance

• Optimal power and digging speed in confined spaces
• Perfect control even during combined operations
• Fast and precise movements


Highest operator comfort

• Spacious working environment ensures
outstanding comfort
• Excellent accessibility to and from the machine
• Pressure Proportional Control (PPC) servo-controls


Extremely robust
A number of particular technical solutions contribute to the PC18MR-3’s increased sturdiness
and operability. These include cast swing support that makes the structure extremely rigid, and
a boom that houses the hydraulic hoses, protecting them from possible damage and guaranteeing the
best visibility of the digging area.


Furthermore, the choice of metal for the bonnets and covers guarantees a longer life and lower repair costs
in case of collision.



PC18MR-2 – S/N: 15001 and up

PC18MR-2 mount the 3D67E-1A motor.

For subtleties of the motor, see the 67E-1 Series Engine Shop Manual.


Komatsu PC18MR-2 Hydraulic Excavator Service Repair Manual
Komatsu PC18MR-2 Hydraulic Excavator Service Repair Manual
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Price: $29.99


The administration fix manual contains data and information to this model. has specs, outlines, and real genuine photograph representations, and plans, which give you complete bit by bit procedure on a fix, Diagnosing, overhauling, specialized upkeep and investigating strategies for your machine. this manual offers full data you require to fix your machine. the data in this manual will empower you to discover inconvenience and to see how to fix and keep up your machine without going into administration.


The activity and support manual depicts a methodology for activity, dealing with, oil, upkeep, checking, and modification. it will support the administrator and upkeep staff acknowledge top execution through viable, prudent, and safe machine activity and support.


Komatsu PC18MR-2 Hydraulic Excavator Service Repair Manual