Hitachi ZAXIS 225USR 225US Excavator Service Manual

Hitachi ZAXIS 200 225USR 225US 230 270 Excavator Service Repair Factory Manual

Hitachi ZAXIS 225USR 225US Excavator Service Manual

Hitachi ZAXIS 200 225USR 225US 230 270 Excavator Service Manual

Hitachi ZAXIS 200-3 Operator’s Manual

This is the highly detailed factory service repair manual for the Hitachi Zaxis apply 200 225USR 225US 230 270 excavators This Service Manual has pictures and detailed step-by-step instructions, it is 100 percent complete and undamaged. They are written specifically for the do-it-yourself as well as the experienced mechanic.

The Excavator Service Repair Workshop Manual provides step-by-step instructions because of full Demon of the machine. It is this level of detail, along with hundreds of photos and illustrations, that guide the reader through the individual service and repair procedures. The complete download is in PDF format, the work among all PC-based Windows operating systems and Mac also, all the pages are printable. This repair manual is an inexpensive way, your vehicle is functioning correctly.

Hitachi Zaxis 120-3 180-3 Class Hydraulic Excavator Operators Manual

Service repair manual covers:

  • Introduction
  • General information
  • Upper structure
  • Landing gear
  • Front Attachment
  • Motor and accessories
  • Revision Request Form
    And more.

Hitachi ZAXIS 225USR 225US Excavator Service Manual

The ZAXIS series cab has been redesigned to meet the demands of customers. From the operator’s seat, the operator has an excellent view of the job site. On the widescreen color LCD monitor, the operator can see machine conditions and, with the rearview camera (optional), what is behind the machine. Ample legroom, short stroke levers and a suspension seat (optional) with heating ensure optimum working conditions. The seat features horizontal, vertical adjustments and has a backrest contoured for comfort, with a HITACHI logo.

Wide adjustable armrests and a retractable seat belt are included. Short stroke levers allow for continuous operation with less fatigue. Three switches on the lever (optional) can be set to operate attachments apart from buckets. The cab is pressurized to keep out dust. Noise and vibrations are kept to a minimum due to the elastic mounts, filled with silicone oil, the cab rests on.

Visibility is improved, especially for the right downward view. Sliding windows on the front and side enable direct communication between operator and other workers. Travel pedals have been redesigned for easier operation.

A flat floor allows for easy cleaning. Ergonomic controls and switches, fully automatic air conditioner and a radio complete the package.

Hitachi ZAXIS 225USR 225US Excavator Service Manual

Hitachi ZAXIS 200 225USR 225US 230 270 Excavator Service Repair Factory Manual
Hitachi ZAXIS 200 225USR 225US 230 270 Excavator Service Repair Factory Manual
Price: $29.33

File Format: PDF
Language: English

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