How does the parking brake work?

How does the parking brake work How does the parking brake work

How an Excavators Parking Brake Works

An excavator’s parking brake is typically a multi-disc wet brake system integrated into the track drive motor.

How an Excavators Parking Brake Works

Here’s a simplified explanation:

Components: Multiple friction discs are stacked within the motor. These discs are compressed by strong springs when the brake is engaged.

Engagement: When you activate the parking brake, hydraulic pressure is released, allowing the springs to force the friction discs together. This creates friction against the moving parts of the track drive motor, stopping the excavator.

Disengagement: To release the brake, hydraulic pressure is applied and Hydraulic System, overcoming the spring force and separating the discs, allowing the motor to rotate freely.

Key points:

The system operates in an oil bath to cool the friction and extend brake life.

It’s a spring-applied, hydraulically released system for safety.
The brake is built into the track drive motor for efficiency and reliability.

Would you like to know more about specific excavator models or troubleshooting parking brake issues?

2 responses... add one

I want know the procedures to assemble park brake assembly on cat excavator 320DL2

My apology it is not cat Excavator but CAT 140K GRADER, series SZL01602
want know the procedures to assemble.

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